OnCore Leads is an advertising agency and generate a few different tax debt lead options. First, we have our web submission tax debt form leads. We screen out any taxpayer that owes less than $10,000 to the IRS. We will also provide a credit replacement for any wrong numbers, disconnected numbers, and low tax debt leads. That IRS tax debt lead is then sent to you in realtime–100% exclusive. You can dictate the hours when you want to receive the tax debt leads (min. 8 hour window please).
Next, we have radio/TV generated tax debt leads (both raw/connected calls and :30 second buffered calls). The :30 second buffered IRS tax debt calls are priced if you receive radio only calls or if you receive a radio/TV blend.
Everything is simply week to week ordering. No long term commitments or set up fees. Our minimum commitment is only about 25 leads.