Social Security Disability Leads
We specialize in live calls and web form leads.
We Specialize in Social Security Disability Leads Generation.
We generate quality social security disability leads for attorneys and advocacy groups every month. We understand the importance of delivering qualified, exclusive leads. SSD Lead Filtering System We know that your firm doesn’t have money to waste on social security disability leads that do not qualify for SSD benefits. That is why we filter out the majority of our leads based on age and other qualifying filters. Our SSD leads meet the following criteria:
- Between ages of 50-63
- Not currently working
- Has seen a doctor and has doctor verification that they’re disabled
- Cannot work for the next 12 months
- Is not working with an attorney on a Social Security case
The result is a more qualified SSD lead that is more likely to become a client.
Ready For A Free Lead Generation Consultation?
Our clients regularly applaud our ability to deliver exclusive leads that create revenue. Clients come to us for leads that close! Let’s get in touch to sky rocket your business.