Workers Compensation Leads
We specialize in live calls and web form leads.
We Specialize in Workers Compensation Leads Generation.
Workers’ Compensation Leads are workers who’ve been injured on the job and they need help getting benefits. Every lead is 100% exclusive and delivered immediately to the attorney once it’s generated through one of our landing pages.Workers’ Comp Leads can be delivered in your region. The larger the area where you can accept leads the more leads we can deliver to you. Leads can target any state or be national.
We get leads from workers who were hurt on the job and need to receive workers’ compensations benefits. But, they are wanting help from an attorney to assist them in applying for benefits. The bottom line is that they are looking to hire a local attorney to help them get compensation.
Some of the filter questions we include on our landing pages:
- Full Name
- Valid Phone Number
- City/State/Zip Code
- Do you have a work-related injury incurred while on the job? “Yes” required
- Date of the Injury: Must be within statute of limitations
- Have you hired an attorney? “No” required
- Comments section where claimants can provide detail of work-related injury
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Our clients regularly applaud our ability to deliver exclusive leads that create revenue. Clients come to us for leads that close! Let’s get in touch to sky rocket your business.